Saturday, January 4, 2020

Transformational Leadership Billy Mitchell - 1368 Words

Introduction The idea of the world’s most powerful air force was almost an afterthought; an idea that got set aside, garnering no further consideration. Had it not been for the contributions of William â€Å"Billy† Mitchell, this could be the reality we live in today. The visionary, unethical leader Billy Mitchell achieved measured success on his journey to the creation of an independent air component. First his visionary traits are outlined by him recognizing the value of diversity and â€Å"transformational leadership† (Barnes Center 2012c). Next his unethical behaviors are reviewed in pursuit of realizing his vision. Finally through reflection, I am able to draw how this individuals actions and behaviors are relevant to some of my own. First, an examination of his visionary approach is required. Visionary Leader Through recognizing the value of diversity and transformational leadership, Billy Mitchell took steps to completing his personal agenda of forming a US Air Force. According to Duffy, during WWI, then Major Billy Mitchell was assigned as an air observer to the French and British Air Forces. He flew combat missions on the western front and learned their tactics and techniques. He witnessed the effectiveness of air power versus the devastation of trench warfare or the method of ground fighting during this time (2009). He recognized the value of cognitive diversity according to the Barnes Center definition of it (2012a) by taking the British and French methods ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Concept of Transformational Leadership1464 Words   |  6 PagesThe concept of transformational leadership relies on appropriate leadership approaches for mission success. AFDD 1-1 describes three leadership competencies: person, people/team, organization Effective leaders (tactic al level) need to build face-to-face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence behavior and values. Effective leaders (operational level) need to build team dynamics for small groups and squadrons. Effective leaders (strategic level) need to build strategy and provide directionRead MoreBilly Mitchell : A Lion Among Sheep1948 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam â€Å"Billy† Mitchell: A lion among sheep. Alexander the Great once said, â€Å"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion† (Alexander the Great, n.d.). William â€Å"Billy† Mitchell would prove to be a lion as he guided the fledgling use of airpower from a novelty to war altering in a very short time. This essay will justify the author’s assertion that Billy Mitchell was a visionary and ethical leader by giving examples from his life that directlyRead More General Henry Arnold and The United States Airforce Essay941 Words   |  4 Pageshim, in every way, a visionary leader. Due to his efforts developing air mindedness during the first part of the 20th century, he shaped what is today the greatest Air Force on the planet. I will begin by explaining his effective use of transformational leadership and the impact it has on the development of airpower. Then I will explain how his acceptance of diversity impacted the war effort during WWII and the future of the United States Air Force. First, we must know what shaped him into the leaderRead MoreLeadership in Innovation4900 Words   |  20 PagesLEADERSHIP The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves (1) establishing a clear vision, (2) sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and (4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. Leadership is organizing a group of peopleRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesValues 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 OrganizationalRead MoreNursing Essay41677 Words   |  167 PagesWood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in creating the RWJF Initiative on the Future of Nursing at the IOM. In this partnership, the IOM and RWJF were in agreement that accessible, high-quality care cannot be achieved without exceptional nursing care and leadership. By working together, the two organizations sought to bring more credibility and visibility to the topic than either could by working alone. The organizations merged staff and resources in an unprecedented partnership to explore challenges central

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